Peterhof. Прогулка по Петергофу.

It was a rainy summer morning. All my family went for a walk in Peterhof. I was hoping that the rain will stopped and we will walk between Peterhof’s fountains, enjoying their extraordinary beauty and grandeur.

But the fact that we were able to come to the start of the fountains (it is event occurs every day at 10.00. AM from May to September) is largely compensated for the presence of rain. The rain did not prevent the impression of a grand start fountains. Sounded lovely solemn music and fountains were launched at a time, giving the impression of waking life.

There were a lot of people. There were as locals so as tourists from different countries. All of people fascinated looking at this action.

As soon as the music subsided, people gradually walk around Peterhof inspired by what they saw.

Strange, but many locals have never been in Peterhof. They did not even have a desire to go there. While tourists from different countries travel to St. Petersburg only in order to see all the beauty of this city.

It is a pity that the video of this event has not survived, but there are pictures.

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